Looking for a change in your weekly routine? Shaving and waxing can be a hassle and incredibly time consuming when you have to constantly keep up with it. Laser hair removal could be the ideal solution for you! What about signs of aging such as wrinkles and sun damage? Laser is perfect for that too! With different options to choose from, we can help you find the right fit for your goals.

Laser Hair Reduction

Laser hair reduction is a great way of removing unwanted hair on your body and face.This treatment will require 6-8 treatments spaced out every 4-8 weeks, however you can start to see results as early as the first treatment.. Say goodbye to razor burn and cuts, ingrown hairs and irritation from waxing! Consider laser hair reduction to save time and add convenience to your routine.

Intense Pulsed Light

This form of laser treatment is a combination of light hair removal as well as an aid to aging. IPL gives off multiple wavelengths of light so a larger area of skin is reached. This makes for a shorter treatment for you! Based on your needs, this treatment is administered in 20-30 minutes and only requires 3-4 treatments. Now that the weather is cooling down, this treatment is in its optimal time frame as it’s necessary to stay out of the sun after treatment.

All of our laser treatments are effective with minimal discomfort, side effects, or down time. Contact us today if you are interested in setting up a complimentary consultation.